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Ang Kor Wat II

Ang Kor Wat Exhibition 


Ngee Ann Kongsi Gallery 1 & 2

Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts





Mandala, as a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, represents the universe - Core of Ang Kor Wat. With the intent of capturing the layout of Ang Kor Wat that mirrors the Hindu cosmos itself and as one big sacred, we decided to use mirrors to create an optical illusion to the Gallery space.





The reflection of the mirror:  The ideal world of the believer. 


The dancers dance within the space and search for their " Ideal World"


Collaborated project with students from the Dance Programme.



A dance performance that was cheaographed by the students, navigating the schematic plan of lights and mirrored paths. Each journey signifies and heightens the sense of spiritual awakening



An interplay of symmetry, mirrors, and lights. This work attempts to recreate the form of a mandala and aims to evoke a spiritual aura.


Painting Smiles 

Painting Smiles project - Bras Basah Complex

A collaboration project with NAFA X Bras Basah X CDC


With our field survey and research on Bras Basah Complex, our team, HyeJiaYun has observed a gap formed between old cultures and the younger generation within the centre- since most of the youngsters only come to purchase art materials and do not have a chance to get involved in its authentic culture of their seniors. Therefore, our team aims to create an inset-worthy and playful piece of work that would draw in younger crowds and allow upper ages to enjoy as well. People are invited to approach the work, be part of it and snap a photo of it. This interaction will eventually work as a bridge to fill the gap between the two different generations.

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